Inter Somnia

When moving to Michigan, I knew I wanted to write a substantial chamber piece while completing my Masters.  These two movements are the beginning of that work.  The instrumentation I use has become one of the new standard chamber ensembles, originating with Arnold Schoenberg’s Pierrot Lunaire.  During a short few months, it turned into one of my favorite ensembles to write for because of the incredible colors and variety of sounds its can create.

The title Inter Somnia is latin for “Among Dreams.”  Each movement represents a different dream from adventure to absolute serenity.

The first movement, Cascading Waters, is a fast-paced ride through the rapids of a wild white water river.  With constantly changing meters, explosive runs, and a driving eighth note rhythm, this is some the most exciting music I’ve ever written.

The Radiant Horizon is a release from the flowing energy of Cascading Waters.  The movement is meant to display the serene emotions one feels when watching the sun rise or fall over the ocean.  The reflections of light off the water and vast openness to everything provide a breathtaking experience that holds a special place in my soul.

Inter Somnia - Full Set
Inter Somnia - Extra Score